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‘Good work’ realized

A favorite topic among Advancement Associates colleagues is “good work.” What makes work “good”? We’re not sure of the exact answer, but agree it has something to do with using our skills and interests in collaborating with organizations that are making a positive difference for others.

Whatever the definition, we agree that the list of our recent, current and anticipated advancement projects reflects “good work,” and we are both appreciative and energized:

• Guiding capital campaigns for two retirement communities.
• Conducting donor research that will inform the updated strategic plan for an international relief organization.
• Leading a planning exercise and writing a strategic plan for a church camp.
• Presenting ideas for how the operating and foundation boards of a psychiatric center might work together in support of the advancement function.
• Mentoring an executive director of an agency that combats homelessness as she relates to major donors.
• Writing and helping with implementation of formal advancement plans for a church conference.
• Consulting with a private school about its priorities for enrollment and endowment growth.
• Assessing and recommending changes in communication approaches for a disaster relief agency.
• Mentoring young professionals in a mission organization who are new to fundraising.
• Leading a visioning retreat for a community nonprofit.
• Designing fundraising strategies for several retirement communities that wish to secure charitable gifts for benevolent care.